Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Great View

I love this view.  It's driving through Jemseg.  What more can I say?

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Once upon a time, Darrell, Dianna, and I found a geocache while we were backpacking in Fundy National Park. From this chance encounter, an enduring passion has developed.

There are geocaches all around us just waiting to be discovered and I intend to find as many as physically possible!!!

So far I've searched four provinces but the journey has only just begun!

You can only hide for so long, and then I will find you!

Walking Along the River

Out for a walk with Lieneke and Arjen along the Saint John River in Woodstock.

Running Through a Cornfield

Warning: This video may cause nausea

Life Goal #57 - Check!

Thanksgiving Weekend

One of my life's goals has been to get lost in a cornfield.  Well, not really get lost in one, so much as to be able to get lost in one.  To my delight, Thanksgiving Weekend at my parent's held a wonderful surprise: a giant cornfield right beside our house!

Monday, Lieneke and I disappeared into the field loaded with only our cameras (I didn't even bring the GPS!).  After stalking each other through the stalks for a while (get it?), we settled into some serious picture taking.  Little did we know, we were not alone!  A feriocious wildcat had been shadowing us for some time and was preparing to pounce!  

Luckily, Lieneke noticed it in the nick of time, shouted a warning, and attempted to shot it with her camera (she missed).  Thankfully, I know a thing or two about taming wildcats, and I soon had it purring in the sun.  What can I say?  Aneke to the rescue!