Friday, December 18, 2009

While Tim may not appreciate me posting this on our blog, I think it's quite profound so I'm posting first, asking forgiveness later. During a discussion of Christian Conservatism vs Christian

"Liberalism, he wrote, "It's relative right. Compared to Doug Padgitt, we're screaming uber-fundies. Compared to the late Falwell, we're screaming foaming at the mouth liberals. In any case, I think of myself as a relatively quiet guy who asks 21st century questions, and finds the only decent answers in the 17th century." My husband is an extremely intelligent man. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Private Rocket Launch

This afternoon, we had a private rocket launch to test out some new rockets before showing them to the campers. This is "The Harvenger" and it worked exactly as it was supposed to. We even got it back! Yay!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

There's just no place quite like the lake!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Student Views on Education

I really like to read because it gives you ideas and it works your brain.

I Want to Sit With My Friends

This is an imaginary conversation that took place in one of my students' writing assignments. I enjoyed it so much that I thought I'd share. Once again all names, except mine, have been changed to protect privacy.

Student: I really want to get back to a group with my friends again. So Mrs Carruthers why don't you put up back in a group?
Mrs Carruthers: Well, I know you guys will start talking again.
Student: But if you can find it in your heart to put us back in a group please. Please give us a second chance. But just give it a second chance, please.
Mrs Carruthers: I'm still not going to put you back in a group.
Student: But why are you still separating us when we are sometimes quiet?

PS Johnny [the student sitting beside him] bugs me a lot.
PPS You should chat with him. He does not do his work. He plays games. He talks too much too.

I really enjoy the last line of the conversation where the student says, "We are
sometimes quiet."

Monday, May 25, 2009


I searched high and low for a geocache near Mapleton Park. I found a bird's nest and a groundhog but I didn't find the cache. This friendly groundhog did offer to check her burrow for me but she never came back to let me know if it was there. Maybe next time.

Thanks Mrs. Groundhog!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today, when I asked one of my grade three students if she found any wrinkles or gray hairs on her birthday, she answered, "Yes, on my grandma."

From the mouth of a child.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Dear Mrs. Carruthers,

I would like to have crumpets for hot lunch and so do other people in the class, like *Maria. So if you could PLEASE!!! ask the principal about getting crumpets.

(*Name was changed to protect the privacy of my students.)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life with the Carruthers...

Dilemma: What do you do when your dryer decides to start burning your clothes?
Solution: Turn the heat up to 25 and turn your bathroom into a sauna of course!

(For the record, this was only a temporary solution. We did buy a new - to us - dryer once it finally decided to stop snowing in Moncton).

Oh yeah, and the dryer really did burn some of our clothes. That's not an exaggeration. Great times.