Monday, April 6, 2009


Dear Mrs. Carruthers,

I would like to have crumpets for hot lunch and so do other people in the class, like *Maria. So if you could PLEASE!!! ask the principal about getting crumpets.

(*Name was changed to protect the privacy of my students.)


Darrell said...

Do these kids even know what crumpets are? I know I still wouldn't if it wasn't for your picture!

Jeff Carter said...

Hey Tim just thought I would drop a note and say HI... that's about all I can do at the moment but love to catch up with you some day mate!

Enjoy the crumpets!



Aneke said...

Well, the one who wrote the note does because he's British. I have my doubts about the rest of the class. Honestly, one would think they'd stick with pizza if they really knew what crumpets are.