Tim, Matt, Griff, Ben, and Brad spent an hour fixing the road with a shovel and a broken wheelbarrow enough so that an emergency vehicle could get in if necessary, but despite their hard work, the road was still most definitely impassable for anything other than a 4 wheel drive.
We received so much rain that night that it added about 3 inches of water to the pool in a period of 2 hours. To put that into perspective, it takes 4 hours for the pump to add the same amount of water to the pool each week.
As they day continued, we searched for evidence of lightening strikes around the camp. It split a tree behind cabins 4 and 5 and may have struck the ground in front of the lodge, but the earth shattering strike that woke us up the night before remained a mystery. Finally, as I was walking back to the cottage looking for evidence of the strike in nearby trees, I stumbled over a bit of ground that as far as I remembered had always been smooth before. I looked down at my feet and realize that I was standing in a perfectly charred out circle of mud - evidence of THE lightening strike.
If you look closely, you can see a grayish coloured building with windows in the background. That's our cottage, which is about 50 feet from the pool. No wonder I thought the roof was going to fall in!
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